Annual ARA Congress Proceedings
Proceedings of the 40th ARA Congress
Montreal, Canada
Scientific Editors: Ruxandra Vidu, Ala Mindicanu
ARA Publishing House
ISBN: 978-1-935924-19-7
Proceedings of the 39th ARA Congress
ILNF, Frascati, Rome, Italy
Scientific Editors: Ruxandra Vidu, Catalina Curceanu
ARA Publishing House
ISBN: 978-1-935924-18-0
Proceedings of the 38th ARA Congress
California Institute of Technology (Caltech),
Pasadena, California, USA
Scientific Editor: Vasile Staicu
ISBN: 978-1-935924-17-3
Proceedings of the 37th ARA Congress
University of European Political and Economic Studies "Constantin Stere"
Scientific Editors: Valeriu Canter, Gheorghe Avornic, Ion Bostan,
Grigore Belostecinic, Ion Ababii
Proceedings of the 35th ARA Congress
ARA35 – Science & Art in the informatics’ era
6-10 July 2011, "POLITEHNICA” University of Timisoara
Scientific Editors: Ioana IONEL Traian FLEÅžER, Ion VETREÅž
ISBN: 978-2-553-01596-0
Belostecinic, Grigore and Tudoroi, Dumitru
Scientific Editors
Proceedings of the 30th ARA Congress
Central Publishing House
pp. 953, ISBN : 9975-75-313-2
Mihalcea, Radu
Scientific Editor
Proceedings of the 29th ARA Congress
Alma Mater Publishing House
pp. 592, ISBN : 973-632-140-1
Moroianu, Emil Gheorghe and Ghimisi, Stefan Sorinel
Scientific Editors
Proceedings of the 28th ARA Congress
Polytechnic International Press
2 volumes, pp. 1239, ISBN : 2-553-01137-7
Tepelea, Ioan and Antal, Cornel
Scientific Editors
Proceedings of the 27th ARA Congress
Polytechnic International Press
2 volumes, pp. 1406, ISBN : 2-553-01024-9
Saeed, Farooq and Surugiu, Liliana
Scientific Editors
Proceedings of the 26th ARA Congress
Polytechnic International Press
pp. 670, ISBN : 2-553-00988-7
Surugiu, Liliana and Paraschivoiu, Ion
Scientific Editors
Proceedings of the 25th ARA Congress
Polytechnic International Press
pp. 380, ISBN : 2-553-00806-6