Honorary Membership in ARA was awarded to:
Prof. Florea Oprea - Romania
Prof. Dr. Ing. Teodor Maghiar - Romania
Acad. Gabriel Tepelea - Romania
Dr. Eng. Astronaut Dumitru Dorin Prunariu - Romania
Acad. Mircea Malitza - Romania
The ARA Book Awards were presented to:
Dr. Farooq Saeed - 26th ARA Congress Proceedings
Dr. Liliana Surugiu - 26th ARA Congress Proceedings
Mrs. Virginia Serbanescu - "Scintei din vatra"
Prof. Ovidiu Drimba - "History of Civilization"
The annual ARA awards were presented to:
Dr. Cornel Antal - Romania
Dr. Ioan Tepelea - ARA Corresponding Member, Romania
Prof. Dionisie Ghermani - ARA Full Member, Germany
The "Ionel Jianu" Awards for Arts was presented to:
Mr. Gellu Naum (Posthumously)