Registration & Abstract submission
We invite contributions in the following area:
Formal Sciences (Mathematics, Logic and Decision Theory, Systems Theory, Statistics, Computer Science); Natural Sciences (Physical Sciences - Physics and Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences); Social Sciences (Economics and Business, Law, Political Science, Military, Security and Law Enforcement, History, Education); Applied Sciences (Medical and Health Sciences, Technical Sciences, Technology and Engineering); Arts and Design (Decorative Arts, Plastic Arts, Performing Arts, music and film contributions are particularly encouraged); Language and Literature, Martial Arts, Design, Esthetics; Theology and Religious Studies, Philosophy, History of Science; Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity.
Review process: Papers will be peer-reviewed. The authors for all accepted contributions have to sign the Copyright and Publishing Right Transfer Agreement, according to the Publication Ethics of ARA.
DOI# assignment: Papers that were peer-reviewed and accepted for publication will be published online with a DOI# (Digital Object Identifier number).
Start your registration by filling in the Pre_registration Form (click to download) and send it as a Word Document to the Congress Chair: Prof. Ruxandra Botez at contact@AmericanRomanianAcademy.org
Publication: The final version of the papers accepted for publication after the review process, will be published in a digital format, online and in print in ARA Proceedings (ISBN assigned). Selected papers will be invited for publication in ARA Journal.
The abstract of the oral and poster presentation will be included in the Conference Abstract & Program Booklet.
2. Paper submission
Papers, up to 6 pages, are invited. Please download TEMPLATE in .doc or .PDF formats.
The paper will be published based on the declaration (ARA COPYRIGHT FORM) you are submitting along with your contribution. Pl
Please send your manuscript to the Congress Chair: Prof. Ruxandra Botez at contact@AmericanRomanianAcademy.org
3. Poster submission
Students selected to participate with a Poster to the ARA Congress are invited to:
submit a full paper including abstract to to the Congress Chair: Prof. Ruxandra Botez at contact@AmericanRomanianAcademy.org, and
submit and present a poster during the Poster Session on Friday, July 21, 2017.
Start your registration by filling in the Pre_registration Form (click to download) and send it as a Word Document to the Congress Chair: Prof. Ruxandra Botez at contact@AmericanRomanianAcademy.org
The abstract should be limited to 300 words and should be in a topic area relevant to the Congress. The abstracts will be reviewed for relevance, scholarship and academic integrity. Only one submission per participant will be allowed. Participants will need to be registered for the ARA Congress.
Poster guidelines and requirements:
Posters Size: 3'x4'
Text should be limited to approximately one-fourth of the poster space and the top portion of the poster should clearly indicate the title and authors.
The font should be simple and bold to be readable from a distance of at least three feet – it is recommended that the font size be 16 or 18 points.
The visuals should be simple and bold. Dark text on a light background is easiest to read. Please avoid color-on-color, especially bright colors which have a tendency to vibrate, and keep the backgrounds simple. Choose a simple color scheme with only 2-3 related colors. A good rule of thumb is to keep the graphics and text simple and uncluttered.
Participants can have their poster displayed on the ARA website, given that they provide a digital copy preferable in PDF format and an author's consent.
DEADLINE FOR POSTER SUBMISSIONS: Please send us the abstract of your poster no later than June 15, 2017. You will be notified when your poster will be accepted. Poster presentation will take place at the 2017 ARA Congress Venue.
the 41st ARA Congress
Wednesday 19 July - Saturday 22 July, 2017
Chairman: Prof. Ruxandra BOTEZ